Monday, May 17, 2010
School is so boringggggggg.
I'm so tired.
I'll see .. 7:53 AM
Saturday, May 15, 2010

I feel like this now.
I'll see .. 7:52 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
It's 12.08 am and I'm supposed to be sleeping by now to recharge myself for a better day tomorrow.
However, I'm still stuck with my Ecd report which I will be having a presentation this upcoming Monday.
Goodness me, please kill me.
And also, I have Fmgt workplan to be submitted on the exact black Monday and I also having my disgusting Fmgt tutorial to complete which I think I never will because I simply hate Fmgt to the max!
As for today, I went over to City Plaza with my group members to get our stocks and so me and Geraldine could not resist but to get some items for ourselves too. You see sometimes when you are too stress, you need to pamper yourself.
Ok, back to my Ecd report. Have yet to touch on the powerpoint slides. *Faints* Call myself a group leader): I need starbucks now! I'm so craving for (omg, I'm so stress that I forgot what the drink is called) Oh yes1 Java chip with Raspberry. LOL.
I'll see .. 9:08 AM
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I've been feeling moody these few days. I hope it gets better.
I'll see .. 7:28 AM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Went for frisbee yesterday with 4balls, Jx and Nosegay.
And I have no idea why I'm having a flu all of a sudden.
I have been staring at my phone constantly to keep a lookout for any calls from Austin despite knowing that I won't be able to contact him for a few days.
I'm praying for a miracle to happen you see. Like maybe they suddenly have this rule to allow them to use their phones or something? So it's better to prepare myself just in case!
And today, I have been sneezing non-stop like a sneezing machine. Must be Austin who keeps missing me HAHAHAHAH
I'll see .. 6:39 AM
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I felt very sad and bad for spoiling everything.
It is like a report book filled with clean records but somehow it is no longer a clean record because I've dirtied a page.
I feel so disappointed with myself.
I'm already missing you badly and I just want you to know that I really love you.
I'll see .. 6:07 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I just realized I have so many things to do right now.
1. Bathe
2. Have my lunch
3. Do my never-ending tutorials
4. Print notes
5. Take a nap
6. Organize myself well
and the list goes on...
The first week of school was pretty awesome. but I know it will never be starting from next week onwards anymore):
Ok, only for the fact that I will
finally be able to see Austin.
Breakfast @ Kap followed by pool before lecture
The three hours break was spent playing Monopoly Deal in the library
I'm a guai kia! I went home after school
Pool @ Ana's house, lunch and arcade @ JP and catch The Bounty Hunter after that.
Arcade @Kallang and snapping photos of recipes from Cold Storage when no one was watching us.
I'll see .. 8:58 AM